Click below for more news and photos.
I'm going to have to make this real quick because I have to film an interview with Coach Fulmer and Haywood Harris. I may come back later and post more news. We had a great time at the aquarium and Gideon and Anna got to meet for the first time. They seemed to get along real well. Hopefully we can get them back together soon. Well I've got to get going. I'll put up more news when I can cause there's quite a bit to tell. Enjoy the photos.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Weekend News and Pictures
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Put up by
Drew and Nessa
8:39 AM
Monday, August 20, 2007
Weekend News and Pictures
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It has been a very tiresome weekend! Saturday was a rough one with the Lady Vols soccer team opening their new stadium and the football team having a scrimmage at night. I have to say I am beat. But enough about me, on Friday Vanessa and Gideon had to go to the doctor. Vanessa went to see how her blood levels were from the clot and the doctor said her levels are normal and she can eat all the leafy greens she wants. So that was great news for us. Gideon had to go get more shots and apparently he wasn't too happy about that. We found out he weighs around 30-31lbs. and is 31-32in. tall. The doctor said he looked healthy and is doing good. He actually wants Gideon back on whole milk. In other news, Poppy had his book signing on Saturday. Papa Walker told me there was a good turn out and that Nanny and Poppy were very excited about the signing. We should be getting our copy of the book when we go home on Labor Day weekend. Well that's about all for today. Hope everyone has a great day!
Oh and check out Gideon's new Tennessee shirt!
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Put up by
Drew and Nessa
8:32 AM
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Weekend News and Pictures
Click below for news and photos.
Well I have been really behind on putting up pictures and news lately. Things have been really busy since football practice started and when season starts it will only get worse. This past weekend Nan 'T' and Papa Walker came to visit us and we all had a good time together. Nan 'T' took some pictures and so I decided to post a few of them. On Monday night Vanessa went to get us some supper at Hardees, and Gideon got to eat his first kid's meal. We thought it was a pretty big moment, so I took some pictures of him. As always his pictures are very cute. That's about all I got for now. Oh, and for your enjoyment, there's a picture of Miss Carol at the bottom. Have a great day everybody.
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Put up by
Drew and Nessa
8:42 AM
Thursday, August 9, 2007
MST3K: The Brain That Wouldn't Die Part 1
Back years ago Dad and I use to watch MST3K. It's a show where they make fun of old movies. I thought I would post this episode over the next few days because it's one of my favorites. Enjoy!
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Put up by
Drew and Nessa
11:26 AM
Monday, August 6, 2007
Weekend News and Pictures
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Well it has been a very hard week this past week. I am so sorry I haven't posted anything, but I've been doing freelance work with the AAU Jr. Olympics shooting live streaming video. It paid good so I didn't mind the work. The work was actually really easy, but it was just so darn hot that it made the work hard. The guy who was the director over the work I was doing took some pictures of all of the guys working and so I've posted some of those pictures he took of me. In the pictures it looks like I stayed in the shade all day, but don't let that fool you. I did quite a bit of work in the sun. I got a good farmer's tan though. Anyways, not much else has been going on. We've been trying to take it easy since I started the work with the AAU. Now that it's over I'm switching back to regular work, meaning football season is here. So more long nights and yells from coach. Oh well. Gideon was a little sick this past week, but it only lasted a few days. He ran a temperature and so Vanessa took him to the doctor. We found out he weighs 30 pounds, so we're going to cut back on the whole milk that he gets. He's feeling better now and still into everything. He's slowly learning new words. We think he has learned to say 'I did it.' He's also learned to say 'uh huh'(as in agreeing), and 'duhn, duhn, duhn.' There are also other words he is picking up, but half of the time you can't tell they are words until long after he has said them. Yesterday we had the Seats over for lunch and enjoyed our time with them. I took a picture of all three of the boys together. They all looked cute together and had fun running around playing and dancing. Well I guess that's all for now. I'll post more stuff later.
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Put up by
Drew and Nessa
7:53 AM