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Finally got some Gideon pictures up! Things just don't seem to lighten up here work wise, except for on the off week, which is this week. I'm always excited on the off week because it's a little more laid back. Anyways, we found out last week that we had to get rid of our grill. Apparently the Fire Marshall says you can't have gas grills either. So I'm still pretty mad about that, but oh well. Gideon has been cute as usual. He's learned how to make sounds similar to counting 'one,two,three.' It's really funny. He's also figured out how to open his closet door, so now he goes in his closet and hides. We found out on Friday night that he may be allergic to mosquito bites. He got bit twice near his left eye and it swelled up a little bit Sunday morning. He also got bit on his forehead, so we've felt really bad for him. Other than that, there isn't much else going on. Although we are planning on going back to MacTown this weekend. So that should be fun. Anxious to get back for awhile. Well I guess that's all for now. Oh in the pictures below you'll see me looking like I'm crying while holding Gideon. I'm actually fake crying to get some hugs out of Gideon. It's about the only way I can get a hug out of him. Hope everyone has a great day.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Weekend News and Pictures
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Put up by
Drew and Nessa
12:07 PM
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
MST3K: The Beatniks
This is one of my favorite MST3K movies and thankfully the guy who put them up made them into a playlist. So you can watch them all at one go or over the next few days. Enjoy!
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Put up by
Drew and Nessa
11:01 AM
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Manning in Nashville
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These are a few pictures that Papa Walker took while at the Colts/Titans game Sunday. Peyton decided to stand there for Papa so that he could take his picture...okay so maybe he didn't, but he got some good shots regardless. Speaking of Papa Walker, Gideon and Joelle were looking at this very blog and apparently Gideon saw Papa's picture and he said 'Papa.' So we're pretty impressed with Gideon's learning right now. He's also saying 'Hi,''Bye,' and 'Great.' He's also singing Jesus Loves Me, but without the words and not very well. But it's music to my ears. His Aunt Jeri gave him a little rabbit a while back that sings Jesus Loves Me and that's where he's hearing it. We're singing with him more now to help him learn the song better. We tried to get him to sing it on camera, but he wouldn't do it. I wish we had some pictures of him from this weekend, but we've been so busy that there just hasn't been time. Speaking of busy, work has been pretty hectic lately. And my job has been moving to being 4/4 of the way complete instead of 3/4. So my job should be 100% ready by the end of this month or the beginning of next month. It's been a long wait, but God has been faithful. He's the only reason I'm getting this job, so all praise belongs to Him. Anyways, I've got to go cover the Press Conference. Hope everyone has a good day!
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Put up by
Drew and Nessa
9:56 AM
Friday, September 14, 2007
Papa Walker on TV
Well Papa Walker made it on TV again, this time on WAFF in Alabama. The story is about the whole Mary Winkler deal. I think the video link is called 'Mary Winkler Talks To Oprah.' Click it and you'll see him. Click here to watch.
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Put up by
Drew and Nessa
1:44 PM
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Weekend News and Pictures
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Well I've finally gotten around to putting up the photos I took last weekend. I had a bunch of pictures of Vanessa's brother, Derick, playing with Gideon. So those are finally up. Onto this weekend. Well it was a great weekend! On Friday I got word that my job is finally going through. Host Communications will start paying me soon and UT has hired me on as a Full-Time employee without benefits. Hopefully the benefits thing will change after a year. We'll see. And speaking of UT, the Vols played a great game last Saturday. I was really worried during the first half of the game, but they pulled through in the second half. I hope they keep it up for the Florida game. Nan 'T' and Papa Walker came up this weekend too for the game. Nan 'T' actually decided to not go to the game and stayed with Vanessa and Gideon. I guess I can't blame her with Gideon around. Those three had a good time together and Papa Walker and I had a good time at the game. Although I had to work the game, so he had to sit by himself. Something of interest to folks is that on Saturday Gideon called Papa Walker 'Papa.' It was a pretty exciting moment. Well I guess that's all for now. Hope everyone has a great day!
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Put up by
Drew and Nessa
7:48 AM
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Weekend News and Pictures
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Hey, sorry everybody. I have been so busy lately that I haven't had any time to put up pictures. In fact these are pictures from Nan 'T'. I haven't even had an opportunity to upload my own pictures. So bear with me. This past weekend we went to stay in McMinnville at Pa Bottoms' cabin on the river. We really enjoyed ourselves and for once got a lot of rest. I went down to the river on Saturday and swam for a little while and that was fun. Gideon got a chance to watch all of the squirrels and one groundhog that came by the cabin. He also got to see some of the different animals that Uncle Harold owns. He really seemed to enjoy himself while in McMinnville. Vanessa was having some allergy problems, but she still had a good time. I'm sure that there was a ton more I could say, but nothing is coming to me. I'll try to put up some more pictures from last weekend if I can. Oh and the last picture for today is one that our photographer, Elizabeth, took to get ready for a photo shoot with the cheerleaders not long ago. I thought it would make a great head shot for Hollywood!
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Put up by
Drew and Nessa
12:47 PM