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It's been another fun weekend for the Walker family. This weekend we had Uncle Charles and Aunt Bev along with Nan 'T' and Papa Walker come visit us. Now I can reveal what my big surprise for Uncle Charles was. I took Uncle Charles down on the field to watch the pregame events on Saturday. He was pretty excited and he got to take a lot of photos while he was down there. In fact I took his picture with Tee Martin standing next to him. Tee was really nice about it. Hopefully Uncle Charles will send me all of his photos so I can post them soon. He even had a prime spot to take pictures of the team running through the T. At one point while we were down there, Tennessee's punter kicked the ball near us and Uncle Charles ran over to get it for the manager. So you can see a picture of Uncle Charles trying out for quarterback below. We had a great time on the field and I was able to show him some of the new work they had done on the stadium and near the locker room. I was impressed with Uncle Charles for standing out in the hot sun for a long while. I was getting worn out and he was still trucking along. I must be out of shape! But all in all, we had fun and Aunt Bev got to see her first UT game at Neyland Stadium. Nan 'T' and I took a lot of pictures while they were in. Nan 'T' wanted to play the Wii and show Uncle Charles how to play, so he took a crack at it. He bowled better than Nan 'T' did! They also had a good time with Gideon. He showed out for them and even took a few pictures. So take a look and guess which ones he took. He was really sad when Nan 'T' and Papa Walker had to leave. He didn't want them to go and even cried after them when they drove away. Speaking of Gideon, the little guy isn't feeling so well. Vanessa is planning on picking him up a little early from school today because he has a little cough and some sniffles. I'm sure he'll get to feeling better soon. I put some pants and a jacket on him this morning because it was cold, so take a look at the picture I took of him this morning. Well that's about all I've got for now. Enjoy the pictures and I hope I have more to show later.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Weekend News and Pictures
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Put up by
Drew and Nessa
8:11 AM
Monday, September 8, 2008
Weekend Pictures and News
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Sorry about taking so long to post photos. We've been pretty busy lately with work and church, so I haven't had much time to post anything. Last weekend Nan 'T', Papa Walker, Nana, and Peyton all came up to pay us a visit for Booms Day. Booms Day is an event where Knoxville shoots off fireworks for the Labor Day Weekend. We all had a lot of fun and Gideon enjoyed having Peyton around as a playmate. Granny and Pa Bottoms sent up some grapes from their vines and we made some grape juice out of it the other day. It was the first time we had ever made fresh grape juice. Gideon really likes it. This should be an interesting weekend for us this week. We have our first football game at home Saturday and we will be having a lot of visitors stopping by. Nan 'T' and Papa plan on coming up for the game as well as Uncle Charles and Aunt Bev. We're excited to have them all come up for a visit and to watch the game. I have something special planned for Uncle Charles, but he doesn't know what it is. I would tell on here, but I wouldn't want the word to get out, so he'll just have to wait till Saturday. Well I hope everyone has a great day and enjoy the pictures.
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Put up by
Drew and Nessa
8:06 AM