Monday, April 27, 2009
Weekend News and Photos
Click below for more photos and news.
It's been a busy week for us so let me get started. Gideon got a little sick sometime last weekend and it carried on to the rest of this week. We believe that it was only allergies. So I got to stay at home with Gideon a few days and so did Vanessa. When he was feeling better we took him outside to play on his tricycle. He loved riding it around and the beautiful weather was a plus. I'm just now getting around to posting the photos that Nan 'T' took around Easter and last weekend. I've also put up a picture that our nephew Jacob sent us of him and his girlfriend at prom. Hope everyone has a great day.
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Put up by
Drew and Nessa
8:16 AM
Monday, April 20, 2009
Weekend Photos and News
Click below for more news and photos.
Okay so some of these photos are from Easter Weekend, but they're still new to you. Anyways, we went home for Easter and had a great time. Gideon enjoyed being with his Nan 'T', Papa, and Nana. While we were in Nan 'T' and Papa gave me a Wii Fit for my birthday. I've been using it like crazy and hoping that I lose a few pounds and gain a six pack. We'll see. Nan 'T' and Papa Walker came up for the Orange and White game and so I got them both to try out the Wii Fit. I would post Nan 'T' playing the Hula Hoop game on the Wii Fit, but I'm sure she wouldn't like that. But trust me it's funny. Well that's about all I've got for now. When Nan 'T' sends me some pictures I'll post them too. Hope everyone has a great day.
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Put up by
Drew and Nessa
9:13 AM