Click below for news.
Sorry I haven't put up much of Gideon this past week. I didn't even take any pictures of Gideon this weekend. It was a pretty exciting weekend though for us. Gideon said a few words like 'hello,' as you see in the video, and 'love you', and we think he said 'hold this' when he was handing me his sippy cup. We're not a hundred percent sure that everything he said was what he meant, but we like it anyways. 'No' has become one of his favorite words too, but we don't think he knows what it means when he says it. Some times he'll just say it out of the blue so that's why we think that. We think we may have found a babysitter for Gideon for a few days of the week. Unfortunately the girl we're talking to can only watch him for a few days each week, but that is better than nothing. She's in our care group so we know her pretty well and she lives down the road. Nothing's final so we'll just have to wait and see. There's not much else going on right now. I can tell you that Nan 'T' and Papa Walker are probably coming up this weekend, so that should be fun. We'll get to go on a date Saturday night. Spider-man 3 here we come! Well that's all for now. Hope everyone has a great week.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Gideon saying 'Hello' and Weekend News
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Drew and Nessa
7:47 AM
Friday, April 27, 2007
If we lost, who won?
I read a great article on FoxNews that I thought I would link to by Lt. Col. Oliver North. He raised some interesting points on the comments by Sen. Harry Reid saying we have already lost the war, and he's so spot on that I couldn't do a 'Here's What I Think.' So it's almost a 'HWIT' but not from my mouth. So go read it here.
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Drew and Nessa
8:30 AM
Monday, April 23, 2007
Fun-Filled Weekend!
Well it was a fun weekend for the Walker family. Gideon had a few big things happen for him.
This weekend Gideon got his first haircut. Vanessa took him outside and gave him a much needed haircut. His hair is still crazy looking at times, but there's not much we can do about it. He also did a good job at feeding himself this weekend. We had some pizza and Vanessa cut up a piece for him and he would use his fork to eat. Of course Vanessa had to put the pizza on the fork for him, but he still fed himself. He also got to play with his crayons yesterday, and he enjoyed that. Not much else to report on this week. I may put up the videos of Gideon feeding himself and getting a haircut later. We'll see. Here's the rest of the pictures.
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Drew and Nessa
8:16 AM
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Pa Bottoms on Channel 4
Papa Walker called us on Saturday and told us that Pa Bottoms had been on Channel 4 in Nashville and the video was on the web. So here it is for all to see. The video isn't very good, in fact if I had been this guys boss I would have told him a thing or two about how bad his video was. But oh well. And Pa doesnt support Winkler like the guy says. Darn journalists! Enjoy!
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Drew and Nessa
9:17 PM
Friday, April 20, 2007
Here's What I Think......Virginia Tech Massacre: Part II
I would normally just pass on talking about something more than once, but I couldn't help but want to say a few things on people's responses to this tragedy. Here's What I Think....
I will go ahead and warn you that this is a rant. I've been looking and listening to see what people have to say about all of this that has been going on with the Virginia Tech Massacre. And I have to say that I am disappointed in a lot of the American public. Here's why. A lot of people are trying to connect this incident, or at least compare it, to the war in Iraq. This is just plain ludicrous. There is a difference in War and a maniac killing students. I recently saw a political cartoon that showed newspapers with a message on how many people were killed in Iraq, and the papers had a day of the week underneath it. At the end the cartoonist wrote something to the nature that a Virgina Tech Massacre happens every day. Obviously this person is not a fan of the Iraq War. That's fine. If you don't like the war then that's your business, but don't try to compare war to one nut job. Virginia Tech is not Iraq. Virginia Tech is not a war zone. So if you think that this massacre isn't as bad as what is going on in Iraq, then you need to get off your high horse. This type of attitude not only is offensive, but it demeans our troops and those who lost loved ones in Virginia. Sure war is rough, but guess what? That's how war is. If Churchill were alive today, he'd have a fit.
Another high horse that people are riding till the horse falls over dead is gun control. Now don't get me wrong, I think there needs to be gun control in America, but how can you make it any harder to get a gun than it already is? And believe me that a nut job who wants to shoot people away is going to get a gun one way or another. I've seen a lot of people blaming Congress and the NRA and it's irritating to see. Do people honestly think that the NRA wants people to buy guns for the purpose of killing other human beings for no reason? That's ridiculous! Of course the NRA doesn't support murder. Should we ban or regulate who owns a knife? Of course not, that's silly. If anything the NRA is standing up for the Constitution. We have a right to bear arms. Imagine this: The United States gets invaded. Most of our army is overseas and can't react as quickly to get here to help. Opposing troops make their way to your town for the purpose of killing or torturing you so that you will be submissive to their will. What will you do? Will you cower under their feet, or will you grab your guns and start defending America? I don't think such a scenario will happen, but that is one reason why we are guaranteed the right to own guns. Heaven forbid that happen, but I would be happy to know that myself and a group of others will grab our guns and defend our country if the army isn't there to do it themselves. Do you see what I mean? I'm sure some people will throw their insults and say I'm a nut job, but believe me, if an Islamic militant comes banging on your door to kill you and your family, you'll be glad you have a 12-gauge or 22 near by.
This leads me to my final thought. The guy who shot up Virginia Tech was obviously disturbed and would have killed people, with or without a gun. You're not going to stop a madman on a mission. It is in man to be evil, to be opposed to God. Our sin has made us this way. Some people act on this evil to do harm to others, and no matter how much counseling, talking, and drugs will stop it. (Especially if that person is demon possessed. Don't mock me, because it still happens, whether we like it or not.) We as American citizens need to be alert and vigilant to stop this evil. It can happen anywhere and at anytime. As I said the other day, the only way to help stop these incidents from happening again is to turn to Christ. The Gospel is the only thing that can lead people from the sinful lives they live. And though we will still sin, we have a redeemer who is at the right hand of the Father making intercessions for us. No gun laws and no banter and ravings can have the same power as the work of God in Christ alone.
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Drew and Nessa
9:30 AM
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Sea Ray Relays
I just got these pictures today from our photographer here at work. I was recently at the Sea Ray Relays here at UT and she took some photos of me and my co-worker, Roger W. Hoover from Inside the Orange fame.
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Put up by
Drew and Nessa
1:51 PM
TSSAA Video Game?!!
Okay so one day I had a ton of time on my hands and decided to play around with this EA Sports NCAA Football 08 Photoshop template. One thing led to another and I made this. Like I said...too much time on my hands that week, but it was fun to make. Too bad they don't make a TSSAA Video game. I'd be all over that. And too bad I don't look that buff any more. *Sigh*
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Put up by
Drew and Nessa
8:45 AM
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Here's What I Think......Virginia Tech Massacre
I thought I would give my spill on this whole ordeal. I really don't have a 'Here's What I Think' page on here yet, but I will talk about what I do think about it all. Here's What I Think....
This is a terrible tragedy that no one should go through. When news of this massacre came up I'm sure visions of Columbine immediately jumped out in people's minds. You can't help but think of what madness was going on for such a student to enter buildings and slaughter other students that surrounded him. I had been keeping up with this story on the web and by my co-worker's TV most of the day picking up pieces of information here and there. The thought of something like that didn't really register in my mind that it could have easily happened here at UT until I was leaving campus yesterday afternoon. I began driving from campus and saw news vans parked near the Torchbearer. There were cops standing around among students keeping a vigilant watch. I saw one cop keeping guard over a teacher parking lot. That's when it hit me that UT was no different that VT. Maybe one letter away. One nut job away. What would I do? Where would I go? Would I go to the area that it had happened and try to help students? There are so many things that go on in a person's mind when they see such a horrible thing as this happen on a campus full of students. That could have been UT.
So do I still feel safe where I am here on campus? Of course. I don't think I am in any huge danger unless an athlete or crazed fan comes to my office mad about a video or photo on the web, but that doesn't necessarily mean I am safe. I've heard people complain about the response of the school administration to what had happened and to be honest I don't think that they deserve the ridicule that they are getting. Small shooting incidents have happened on campuses before. A guy got shot in some dorm room and the school sends out an email warning students. The problem is, half of the students are already on campus and headed to class. How many of those students have a laptop and Internet accessible to them to check to see if classes were canceled or not. The administrators did what they thought best. They didn't know some nut case was going to shoot up classrooms full of people. For all they knew, the first shooting was an isolated incident. See if you would have acted differently. Sure you say now that you would call off classes, but you're looking through the eyes of hindsight. There is no way of knowing.
Now I'm going to close out with a few concerns that come to my mind. Some people are calling for teachers to have guns. Bad Idea. I don't think it will ever get to that and it's just not going to work. Because one day you will have a nut job teacher who will shoot up his classroom because they are being jerks to him. The biggest concern I do have is the idea of having people calling for stricter gun control laws. Another bad idea. People will get guns and do stupid things whether you have strict gun control laws or not. Even if you have stricter gun control than you do now, you won't stop a mental case from doing what he or she is going to do. When you're on a mission, you won't stop to register a gun. You will find a gun one way or another. Whether it's yours or someone else's. This is just one of many incidents that happen because a guy off his rocker didn't see life the way it should be in his eyes. It happens and no amount of gun control will stop it.
The only thing that can stop people killing each other is the gospel. I see all of this unfolding and only one conclusion can be drawn. A world directly opposed to the God of this universe can only be brought to peace and order through the cross of Jesus Christ. Without the gospel, the world will continue on in this manner of death and destruction. I'm not saying that sin would stop if everyone came to know Christ as their Lord and Savior, because that isn't true, but at least the Spirit guides a person's heart to know what to do and what not to do. The only hope for the world is the gospel, the saving grace of God through His only Son Jesus Christ. Christ alone is the only hope that can be found in such a tragedy as the Virginia Tech Massacre.
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Drew and Nessa
8:28 AM
Sunday, April 15, 2007
More Easter Pictures
I'm fairly busy most days now and don't have time to post while at work, so now I put stuff up at night. Of course when ya'll see these it'll be Monday morning. So anyways, I decided to put up some pictures that Nan 'T' sent me the other day. Hope ya'll like 'em!
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Drew and Nessa
8:30 PM
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Gideon on the Run
And for more fun I've decided to post two videos of Gideon. Everytime I would roar he would run to Vanessa. So we decided to videotape it. Unfortunately he ran into the wall the first time. It was still funny. I promise we're not bad parents. Enjoy!
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Put up by
Drew and Nessa
8:23 PM
Table Play
Friday is going to be a busy day, so I figured that tonight would be a good time to put up some pictures. Hope you like 'em!
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Drew and Nessa
8:08 PM
Monday, April 9, 2007
Easter Pictures!
I'm at home right now and I figured this might be the only time I could put these up. So here is a fresh batch of pictures from the Easter weekend. Enjoy!
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Put up by
Drew and Nessa
7:54 PM
Pictures After All
Well I got to looking around on my external harddrive and found some pictures that Nan 'T' sent us from last week. So I decided to go ahead and put them up today. I'll put up more later this week.
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Put up by
Drew and Nessa
1:39 PM
Your Gideon Fill For The Day
Okay so I'm not able to post any pictures of Gideon today because the camera is at the house, so as a cop out I'm posting a video of Gideon playing with his bubble machine. Hope this satisfies! Oh and I'm sending out a public thank you to my cousin,
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Put up by
Drew and Nessa
9:11 AM
Thursday, April 5, 2007
More Pictures
Here are some new Pictures that I thought everybody might like. Brad tried to explain this whole picture stuff to me and I still haven't figured it out. He's been patient with me and I'm thankful. Give me time folks.
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Put up by
Drew and Nessa
8:39 PM
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Summitt wins Number Seven!
Looks like I'm going to be busy today! Go Lady Vols!
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Put up by
Drew and Nessa
7:58 AM
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Driving Me Nuts!
Okay, So I still haven't figured this thing out! That is why when you go look at the pictures only one shows up. So when I'm finished working on my Inside the Orange video, I'll try to get it working. Sorry folks!
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Put up by
Drew and Nessa
8:34 AM
Monday, April 2, 2007
Okay, so here are some photos!
Here are some pictures we took recently that some of you may not have seen. Gideon loves his little bubble machine.
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Put up by
Drew and Nessa
10:22 AM
Trying Somthing New
Okay, so the website is down right now and I have no clue when it will be back up. Until then we are going to set up a blog to pass the time away. Hopefully I can have this thing figured out by the end of this week. I'll try to post some pictures soon.
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Put up by
Drew and Nessa
9:56 AM