I would normally just pass on talking about something more than once, but I couldn't help but want to say a few things on people's responses to this tragedy. Here's What I Think....
I will go ahead and warn you that this is a rant. I've been looking and listening to see what people have to say about all of this that has been going on with the Virginia Tech Massacre. And I have to say that I am disappointed in a lot of the American public. Here's why. A lot of people are trying to connect this incident, or at least compare it, to the war in Iraq. This is just plain ludicrous. There is a difference in War and a maniac killing students. I recently saw a political cartoon that showed newspapers with a message on how many people were killed in Iraq, and the papers had a day of the week underneath it. At the end the cartoonist wrote something to the nature that a Virgina Tech Massacre happens every day. Obviously this person is not a fan of the Iraq War. That's fine. If you don't like the war then that's your business, but don't try to compare war to one nut job. Virginia Tech is not Iraq. Virginia Tech is not a war zone. So if you think that this massacre isn't as bad as what is going on in Iraq, then you need to get off your high horse. This type of attitude not only is offensive, but it demeans our troops and those who lost loved ones in Virginia. Sure war is rough, but guess what? That's how war is. If Churchill were alive today, he'd have a fit.
Another high horse that people are riding till the horse falls over dead is gun control. Now don't get me wrong, I think there needs to be gun control in America, but how can you make it any harder to get a gun than it already is? And believe me that a nut job who wants to shoot people away is going to get a gun one way or another. I've seen a lot of people blaming Congress and the NRA and it's irritating to see. Do people honestly think that the NRA wants people to buy guns for the purpose of killing other human beings for no reason? That's ridiculous! Of course the NRA doesn't support murder. Should we ban or regulate who owns a knife? Of course not, that's silly. If anything the NRA is standing up for the Constitution. We have a right to bear arms. Imagine this: The United States gets invaded. Most of our army is overseas and can't react as quickly to get here to help. Opposing troops make their way to your town for the purpose of killing or torturing you so that you will be submissive to their will. What will you do? Will you cower under their feet, or will you grab your guns and start defending America? I don't think such a scenario will happen, but that is one reason why we are guaranteed the right to own guns. Heaven forbid that happen, but I would be happy to know that myself and a group of others will grab our guns and defend our country if the army isn't there to do it themselves. Do you see what I mean? I'm sure some people will throw their insults and say I'm a nut job, but believe me, if an Islamic militant comes banging on your door to kill you and your family, you'll be glad you have a 12-gauge or 22 near by.
This leads me to my final thought. The guy who shot up Virginia Tech was obviously disturbed and would have killed people, with or without a gun. You're not going to stop a madman on a mission. It is in man to be evil, to be opposed to God. Our sin has made us this way. Some people act on this evil to do harm to others, and no matter how much counseling, talking, and drugs will stop it. (Especially if that person is demon possessed. Don't mock me, because it still happens, whether we like it or not.) We as American citizens need to be alert and vigilant to stop this evil. It can happen anywhere and at anytime. As I said the other day, the only way to help stop these incidents from happening again is to turn to Christ. The Gospel is the only thing that can lead people from the sinful lives they live. And though we will still sin, we have a redeemer who is at the right hand of the Father making intercessions for us. No gun laws and no banter and ravings can have the same power as the work of God in Christ alone.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Here's What I Think......Virginia Tech Massacre: Part II
Put up by
Drew and Nessa
9:30 AM
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1 comment:
Right on, Drew. Good job stating your opinion. Keep it up.
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