Wednesday, May 30, 2007

More Weekend Pictures

Click below for more Pictures.

I've come to the conclusion that my side of the family likes to take pictures. Today I'm posting photos that Nan 'T' sent me along with some photos from Aunt Vicki and one photo from Joelle's blog. Sorry Joelle, just had to steal it. (Check out Joelle's blog when you can.) Our favorite picture of all of these is the ones of Gideon behind the plant. It's a great looking picture despite the fact that he was using the bathroom when it was taken. Funny stuff. Anyways, tomorrow I plan on putting up photos from last night where we all went to the pool and let Gideon play in his new car floatie. It's so cute. That's all for now.

drewgideonnanny vanessanana

papaglasses gideonwithpapa

gideonpapa gideonpabottoms

gideondoggie gideonchair1

drewnana gideonnanaball

gideonatjoelles gideonchair

gideonplant gideonplant1

thewalkerboys thewalkerboys1


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